Qualitrol’s Monitoring Solutions

Qualitrol can help you transition from time based to condition based maintenance

Do You Know the Condition of your Assets?

La monitorización según estado (CBM) en un entorno de subestación o central eléctrica se define como el proceso de utilizar herramientas en línea o fuera de línea para capturar uno o varios parámetros en un activo y utilizar análisis de datos para diagnosticar y ver la tendencia su estado de salud a lo largo del tiempo para predecir fallos inminentes.

At Qualitrol, we provide a robust array of condition-based monitoring equipment so you always stay plugged into the essential details. Our products afford a full-picture view of the condition of your station, give you a clear idea of the equipment’s status, and help identify potential problems so you can implement solutions and continue to operate at full capacity.

Our solutions include expert services and extensive knowledge of the installation and commissioning process. Qualitrol is the only vendor to offer an entire solution (basic sensors to data analytics) while being manufacturer agnostic.

We not only believe in quality but invest in making sure that our customers have the most reliable solutions to maintain their operations.